A Subway store, good to see they tried to work the arrows somehow into the logo.
Some of the stars of yesterday that Russia hasn't forgotten ...
Joe Cocker
Stiltskin are at this one. (I cheated, I took this in Warsaw)

That's not Hugh Laurie is it? What's going on?

This may be the best milk ever, judging by the expression on the cat's face (wish mine were that happy). Most of the packaging was written in Comic Sans.
I worked out I might need about 2,000 roubles for my last couple of days in Russia. (This wasn't in Moscow now, this was on the train). The ATM helpfully asked me if I wanted big notes or small notes - had to be small notes. It dispensed 40 crisp new 50 rouble notes (worth about £1 each), all sequentially numbered. I felt like I'd robbed a very small bank.

Next they'll have rabbit and ostrich flavoured stuff. Oh wait …

Not sure this car is legal either. Something missing …

Milk shake just round the corner from GUM. It was nice but I only went in there (Kofe Haus) to use their wifi. They had no wifi.

Don't kick the tap. Got that?

This was staring at me for around two days when I was on the train. Found it quite disturbing.

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