This was most notable as being Kingmaker's first live show for 15 years, although they were rebadged as Kingmaker MMX for the occasion. Splinx had been trying for some time to get the whole band together but the original lead singer, Loz Hardy, had gone missing and still can't be found. However the band put together for the evening contained most of the original members, I'm told - my face recognition is poor on a good day - and who cares anyway because they knocked off six Kingmaker classics perfectly, finishing off with a second rendition of Armchair Anarchist for an encore.

The whole evening was pretty high calibre too, particularly Bozwood - with Ed Borrie on vocals they could have been an up-to-date version of his old band S*M*A*S*H.
Don't want to single anyone out really as I enjoyed the other three bands too, who were:


David Cronenberg's Wife

Paul Hawkins and the Awkward Silences
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