Bands seen: Aaron Wright, These Ghosts, Rose Elinor Dougall, Unthanks, Black Mountain, Alice Gold, Good Natured, Wild Beasts, Everything Everything, Boycott Monday, Standard Fare, James, Nedry, Tom Jones, Cevanne, Sweet Billy Pilgrim, Mumford and Sons, Jesca Hoop, Morning Parade, These New Puritans
This was my fourth year out of four at Latitude and I think the calibre of the acts is still on a slow decline.
But there were highlights. Said highlights for me included sets from Rose Elinor Dougall, Everything Everything, Cevanne, Nedry and These New Puritans, and also watching and meeting Sweet Billy Pilgrim, but mainly because they were so NICE (and of course because memories of that appearance on the IT Crowd are still fresh in my mind). I was also the only photographer in the press pit (for the MAIN STAGE!) when they were on. Next band - Mumford and Sons - about 60 people. Photowhores!
Biggest disappointment was Tom Jones, for whom everyone turned up at midday on Sunday, only to be treated to no banter, none of his hits and the whole of his pisspoor new album of verysubstandard blues songs. I only stomached a few songs, making the excellent move to catch Cevanne on the Lake Stage, but most people seemed to enjoy it. Is it because they're all too polite to be rude to a very old man?
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